pete burns

Posted by Latest Innovations | 9:05 AM | 0 comments »

Now this Chris doesn’t have the long hair (yet) but he does have the eye shadow and perma makeup look (he may not be wearing makeup but it does look like it).
Now may I cast your memory back to school ?
You remember the kids that always walked around on their tiptoes, like they had a perma-wedgie and their mums always packed their school bags with what seemed like big rocks - this is Chris down to a tee.

Anyway he wondered into the library clutching his can of coke and engaged in conversation with one of the chavs. His conversation wasn’t that exciting, it just seemed to revolve around job seekers getting priority on the computer, which is a load of rubbish and the chav knew so.

Building Burns In St. Pete

Pete Burns
chris, the young pete burns